March 14, 2013 SAVING OUR CHANGE
When it comes to money, some of us try to save our change so we can accumulate more money over time. Some use it for mad money to spend on something we couldn’t usually afford. Others put it in the bank to allow our savings to grow. While others of us use it for everyday things because we don’t make enough for our spending
habits. Rather than saving our change for this last reason, we need to
change our saving habits. We need to learn to spend less than we make,
have a spending plan, change our habits and save those changes so we are
controlling our money and it is not controlling us. God wants us to
have a plan when it comes to handling our money.
Proverbs 21:5 “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, we know that we sometimes don’t do what we should with the money You give us. Help us today to change. Help us today to be more aware of what we do with our money so we can change our spending
habits rather than worrying about saving our change. Help us to have a
plan and to put You first in our giving and allow You to help us control
our spending. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
~Frances Copeland Lucas
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